Dear Best Friend

Dear Best Friend,

I'm trying to do a new series where I post personal letters for those who are in my life who have helped me grow into the person I am today. I'm starting off this series with a letter for my best friend who has been here for me since the beginning of time and I want to do something back for them.

So here goes-

Dear Best Friend, 

Hi! I know at this point in our life we are dying to be in a relationship. After attending the same school with the same people for so many years, we desire a change in our lives: a new environment means new people and new friends, etc...

So freshmen year of college, we become desperate. Caking on foundation, mascara and bold lipstick in hopes that a boy would notice and realize we're the one they've been searching for. Fast forward to sophomore year to the point we started laughing at how stupid that thought was. But once our silence died down, our insecurity monster started whispering thoughts like "you are going to be single forever" "No one will love you"

I'm writing this letter to let you know that what the insecure monster is feeding you is a lie and what I'm about to feed you is the truth.

I hope you will first fall in love with your life to the point where you are overflowing with confidence and not needing to depend on superficial things to bring you joy. I hope you will be so in love with your life that being in the company of just yourself wouldn't seem boring. I hope you will take risks and explore places you've always wanted to go, I hope you will go out of your comfort zones and meet people who are dying to meet you.

I hope you will fall in love with someone so deeply that you will glow, I hope your face will light up whenever you talk about them. I hope they will realize how special you make their life, I hope they will cast out all the negativity of the world and wrap you inside a blanket of love.

And mostly, I hope you will look back next year and have no regrets, realizing that you're so much further than where you started.

Happy New Year Bestie~ 
Heres to 2020! 

I'm out-->
