Writing Sample for Giaboss.com

 How to dress like a Girl Boss 

Girl Boss, that name sounds so simple but yet it exudes power. I believe everyone at any age has the potential to become a boss, all you need is the full outfit to conquer all things the world (or your boss) hands you. 

There are a few statement pieces that girl bosses wear every single day. And yes, it’s those typical mundane pieces you see at any fashion website or store: a blazer, a bag and a pair of dress pants. Only these outfits are tainted with impact, confused? Keep reading…


  • A Blazer of Confidence, wear it so you can believe in yourself, your potential, and you're worth. So what if you stuttered at a presentation? Move forward, continue your presentation with your head held high. People will take note of your professionalism, assuming you have it all together. You generally will feel happier when you walk with your blazer of confidence, you start caring less about how others perceive you because you know your true worth.
  • A Set of Strength, job interviews, or even a college application there’s always the question that lingers around the topic of strength. Questions like “what is your strength?” “Tell me why I should hire you?” “What is your best asset?” Knowing your strength is the most important thing because it dictates what you can bring to the table. What makes you unique that differentiates you from others, what can YOU do that the other can’t, and why do they need you. It doesn’t even have to be a talent or hobby, it can even be personality traits, figure out how to wear your strength and wear it on your sleeves for everyone to see. 
  • A Dress of Hardwork, why is hard work so encouraged by your parents? We’ve all heard of the phrase “if you don’t work hard then you will never succeed” I do believe that statement holds true, however, I also believe in burnouts. As much as hard work plays into being a boss girl, it’s also important to realize that even superheroes go back to their hiding space to regenerate energy. 
  • A Bag of Vulnerability, compassion, sharing, and connection are what make a perfect girl boss. Besides forming surface level networks, sometimes it’s also needed to form deeper level connections. Not only knowing your strength, but it’s also important to know your weakness as well. Most star athletes acknowledge the fact that they are not perfect, that even the strongest athletes will miss a few goals. That’s why they need a coach, to remind them of their weakness… keeping them humble and grounded. It’s not a flaw to know your weakness, acknowledge it, and grow from it. Don’t let your weakness become your greatest villain. 

Put all these pieces together and believe me, you will become powerful. 


Your Ally


 Author: Bernice Chin


Girls will be Girls 

The phrase “Boys will be Boys” has been an ancient description to justify men’s actions, to excuse parents whenever their children create ruckus in the house, and to normalize the boy’s behavior as normal.  And yet for girls, we are often told to be more “ladylike” as if the person we are is not good enough, that society wants to expect more from us, to be BETTER than our justification.

There’s actually a loophole towards this “ladylike” concept. The concept itself gives us room to exceed people’s expectations, to find our talents, and to surprise others. But because there isn’t a behavior that is expected from us, we are not bound to a label, we have the flexibility and freedom to become the person we want to be. We get to amaze ourselves every. single. day. 

It's time for us to build our own world. Build a world where the attitude, behavior, and actions can be justified with the phrase “Girls will be Girls”. 


Your Ally 

Dear Girls 



Before I start this letter, I just want to say thank you for being you. We may not know each other or the life stage we are in. But we all have experienced hardship, heartbreaks, and rejections at some point, which is why I want to thank you. Thank you for never changing who you are. 


Our current society’s expectations will find ways to break you, burn you, hurt you. Discouraging you with lies that you’re not good enough, setting up impossible standards to live up to, and even feeding you lies that you will never succeed in this world as a female. My advice? Try to find hope, love, and forgiveness in this broken world so it can motivate you each day to be the light in this dark world. 


Stick together, the world is already tearing us apart, we don’t need to do it to each other. Always respect yourself as a woman. In the end, you attract the energy you give off, so pay attention to how you present yourself.  If you want respect, you must learn to respect yourself first, be someone that you are proud of. For a situation to change you have to change the way you think. If you do what you’ve always done, you’re going to get what you’ve always gotten. 


Sure, it is easier said than done, but don’t be too hard on yourself when you start to believe those societal lies, don’t blame yourself for appearing too weak, and never doubt your own abilities. Just remember that lingering hope and pick yourself up to shine brighter. 


Girls, remember who you are, and let’s conquer the world together. If you ever forget who you are, just read the first letter of every paragraph (this is our secret). 




Your Ally


Author: Bernice Chin



